Hainan Temporary Driving Permit Application

Hainan Temporary Driving Permit Application: Documents, procedure and costs

Starting from August 1st, 2019, tourists can rent a car on Hainan Island with their home country driver’s licenses by applying for Hainan temporary driving permits. No health checks are requested anymore. So now it is so easy to rent a car on Hainan Island with your home country license.

What documents are requested to apply for a temporary driving permit?

– Passport and  a copy with a valid Chinese visa for 90 days or above.

– Home Country driving license with Chinese translation (The translation must be done by a translation company with one’s name in Chinese, ask us for help)

– Two one-inch color photos on a plain background

-Accommodation registration certificate by a local police office where your hotel is located. The certifacte is requested in Sanya and other cities, but not by the Haikou Police office. It is advised to apply in Haikou as the officers are more familiar with this application.

After the documents meet the police’s requests,  the applicant shall watch a traffic safety video for about 2 hours, then the application is approved.

Where shall I go for a temporary driving permit on Hainan? 

Office in Haikou: Address in Haikou: 海口市交警支车管所 (灵山镇海榆大道)

Office in Sanya: Address: 三亚市吉阳区海润路诚越新能源汽车产业园1号馆

Office Hours: Monday till Friday 9:30 am till 12 noontimes, then 3:30 pm till 5:30 pm.

How much shall I pay?

It costs CNY10

How long shall I wait to get my permit?

You will get the permit in about 2 hours  if you have all your documents prepared as per the police request.

How long is the permit valid?

A temporary driving permit on Hainan is valid for 3 months. If you stay for more than 3 months, you can apply for an extension for up to one year as long as your China visa is valid. If you visit Hainan more than once within 3 months, then you don’t need to re-apply.

Can I drive to Mainland China with this permit?

No, the permit is only valid on Hainan Island. You are not allowed to drive outside of Hainan Island.

What kind of vehicle am I allowed to drive with this temporary permit?

So far, only available for C1, so you can drive a can or van up to 7 seats including the driver.

Can I rent a car with this license?
Yes, please email holiday@sunnyhainan.com for car rental on Hainan Island.

So the above is on all Hainan Temporary Driving Permit application documents and processes.  It would be a great experience to explore Hainan Island on your own with your own car, so get prepared for your Hainan Island driving travel.

Rent a car for drive travel on Hainan Island with your Hainan temporary driving permit

Hainan Island Local Transfer Services:

Hainan temporary driving permit, Rent a car with your home country driving license on Hainan Island, Drive with your home country license.