Haikou Wugong Temple Hainan, Tours to the Temple of Five Lords in Haikou

Wugong Temple Haikou Hainan2

Location of The Temple of Five Lords

Five Officials’ Temple or Wugong Temple , is located on Haifu Road, Haikou, Hainan. Visitors can easily reach the temple by local buses at only CNY1/person.

What is the Wugong Temple for?

The Temple of Five Lords in Haikou Hainan Island was constructed during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) to memorize the five exiled officials from the Tang and Song dynasties: Li Deyu (李德裕, 787—850), Li Gang(李纲, 1083–1140), Li Guang (李光, 1078–1159), Zhao Ding (赵鼎, 1085–1147, also known for his poetry), and Hu Quan(胡铨, 1102–1180). All the officials had been banished to Hainan Province after having fallen out of the court’s favor and are now represented by a stone statue placed on the temple grounds.

After several times’s renovation and reconstruction, The Wugong Temple is an attractive ancient architectural complex. Except the Five Lords Ancestral Hall which is the No.1 Building in Hainan, there is another Hall called Sugong Memorial Temple to commemorate Su dongpo’s contribution to the local community. Su Dongpu 苏东坡 was one of the greatest poets of the Song Dynasty. 

More information on the five exiled officials from the Tang and Song dynasties

Li Deyu (787-850): Li Deyu 李德裕 served as chancellor during the Tang Dynasty. He was the leader and namesake of the Li faction during the Niu-Li Factional Struggles that pitted officials of humble and aristocratic origins against each other. Tang Emperor Xuānzong ended the struggles by handing complete defeat to the Li faction, demoting Li Deyu and sending him to exile in Hainan, where he held the position of census officer at Yai Prefecture (modern Haikou) and remained until his death.

Li Gang (1083-1140): Li Gang 李纲 was a government official who held the office of chancellor for a brief period during the final days of the Northern Song Dynasty. He was put in charge of the defense against the invading Jin dynasty by the young Emperor Qinzong during the Jin-Song wars, but was removed from his post when the emperor was falsely hoping to enter peace negotiations with the Jin. The Northern Song Dynasty fell in 1127 and Emperor Qinzong became a prisoner of the Jin dynasty for the rest of his life. Li Gang was released from exile and rehabilitated in 1129. Later, he held various government offices in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Li Guang (1078-1159)Li Guang 李光 was one of the four famous court officials and renowned poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. He was exiled to Qiongzhou (now Haikou) in Hainan in 1144 because of a traitor minister Qin Hui who got a large amount of favour from Emperor Gaozong.  He was released from exile and live in Jiangzhou (now Jiujiang) in  Jiangxi Province, then was died there.

Zhao Ding (1085-1147): Zhao Ding 赵鼎 was a statesman and renowned poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. He advocated attempts to recover territory lost to the Jin Dynasty and committed suicide dying as a result of a hunger strike.

Hu Quan (1102-1180): Hu Quan 胡铨 was a government official and poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. He was exiled to Yazhou (now Sanya Yacheng) in Hainan in 1148. He advocated attempts to fight against Jin Dynasty but not enter peace negotiations. Hu Quan was released from exile and moved to Hengzhou (now Hengyang) of Hunan Province. He was rehabilitated by Emperor Xiaozong in 1156. 

Travel packages with Wugong Temple, the Temple of Five Lords:

Day Tours to Wugong Temple, Qilou Old Street & Hainan Volcano Park

4 Days 3 nights Vacation Package in Haikou Wenchang & Boao

5 Days 4 nights Travel Package to Haikou, Boao & Sanya

6 Days 5 nights Vacation Package to Haikou Wenchang Boao Sanya

Visit your ancestral home in Wenchang with our 6 Days 5 nights Hainan Vocation Package

Ancestral Home visit in Qionghai with our 6 Days 5 nights Hainan Travel Package

Tour of Hainan 8 Days 7 nights in North/East/South/Middle of Hainan

Hainan Island Travel Package 9 Day 8 nights in North East South Middle & West of Hainan Island

Haikou Wugong Temple Hainan, Tours to the Temple of Five Lords in Haikou



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