Frequently asked questions on Hainan Island Travel Package

Sunny Hainan No Shopping Tours

Frequently asked questions on Hainan Island Travel Packages

 Q: Do we get visa waiver while booking the tour with your company?

A: Yes, we will prepare voucher with all information for your visa waiver

 Q: When taking high speed train from Haikou Meilan airport to Sanya will there be someone waiting at Meilan Airport and escorting us to the station?

A: The international terminal is walking distance away from the train station, we won’t arrange someone to meet you, there is a transfer service from the international terminal to the train station by golf cart free of charge. Please check with the airport staff.

We will email you the electronic tickets with cabin and seat number, please check in with your passports. No paper tickets are requested. Check in starts 15 minutes before departure, please arrive at the train station on time. In case of flight delay, we can amend to a later available time, subject to availability.

 Q: How do I contact and communicate with your driver?

A: We will set up a group WeChat group with driver and assistant and share your itinerary in this group and communicate in the group chat. 

Q: How about Train Station/Airport pick up?

A: Our driver will meet you by holding a signage with your name on it. In case of flight details, he/she will be waiting, don’t worry. It may happen that you don’t see the signage upon arrival. In this case, please call at 13807535200 or let us know by WeChat. 

Q: If we don’t take English/ Chinese speaking guide, will the driver assist us on buying the admission ticket?

A: Yes, we will arrange in advance with the driver, he/she will assist.

 Q: Will the driver advise us when is the best to start the tour each day and how long should we spend on each attractions/ site locations?

A: Yes, it is your private tour, so please follow his suggestion or coordinate with him on the details

 Q: Where to go if we want to do some shopping?

A: We always organize no tourist hopping tours. If you want to do some shopping, we always recommend local market or department stores at local prices.

 Q: How about lunch & dinner?

A: We never go to tourist restaurants where you get similar food in all restaurants. We believe local food is a great part of your tour experience, our driver will recommend local restaurants at local prices. You will order and pay on-site.

FYI, an ordinary local lunch, or dinner costs around CNY50-100/person on Hainan Island. Please find the attached list of recommended shopping and dining options.

 Q: How many hours per day your driver works?

A: Normally, our driver works max. 9 hours per day, Driver’s accommodation and lunch are included in the package. If you need to keep the driver for your dinner time within 9 hours, please pay him CNY50/day for his meal.

Q: How is your Tipping Policy:

A: CNY100-200/day is advised to our driver if you are happy with his service, but it is not compulsory.

Q: Is there a daily limited mileage on the transfers services?

A: When we propose a package with places to visit, the mileage is taken into consideration. If you hire transfers from us and arrange your own activities, the daily mileage is 150KM.

Q: What are your payment terms?

A: On most occasions, we would ask 50% upon confirmation and 50% upon arrival in cash or bank transfer. For public holidays or special events, full payment is requested upon confirmation.

We accept payment by international credit card with 3% surcharge, bank transfer in USD/SGD/EUR/AUD to our company account, and WeChat/Alipay, PayPal with 4.8% surcharge. There is an option to pay in SGD to our POSB account in Singapore.

Q: How about cancellation and amendment policy?

A: On most occasions, 20% service charge will be deducted if cancellation is advised 1 week before arrival and 50% deposit will be forfeited with cancellation advised within 1 week before arrival. For public holiday, full payment is forfeited for any cancelation.

For any amendment, we will do our best to organize for you and extra charge may occur depending on your travel time and availability.


By Caddie   


Hainan Joy Tours & Travel  



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Qionghai, Sanya, Haikou
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Qionghai, Sanya, Wenchang, Haikou
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Qionghai, Sanya, Wenchang, Haikou
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